After the Treatment

Your anesthesia will wear off in a few hours. Refrain from eating until your anesthesia wears off to prevent possible injury to your lips and cheeks.



You may take any over the counter pain reliever for tenderness or discomfort. You may take aspirin or Ibuprofen (Advil or Tylenol), unless you are allergic to these medications or have a medical condition that would prevent you from taking these medications. This will help with any soreness at the injection sites where your anesthetic was administered.

Bite Adjustment

We are usually able to adjust your bite correctly at the time the filling(s) are placed. However, anesthesia can mask your “true” bite. If your bite feels “high” once the anesthesia has worn off, it is important to contact our office right away so we can adjust it correctly. Postponing adjustment can cause increased and prolonged discomfort due to bruising of the ligament around the tooth.


You may experience sensitivity to hot and cold following placement of a dental restoration, which can last 6‐8 weeks or even longer. The duration and severity of the sensitivity varies considerably depending on the depth and severity of the cavity. Anti‐inflammatory medications, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, are excellent for reducing post‐treatment soreness and sensitivity.

Sensitivity to temperature for an extended period of time may be an aggravating problem following composite restorations. The sensitivity will normally diminish over a period of a few weeks, but unfortunately in some cases it may linger for longer, even months. If you note symptoms of increasing sensitivity, spontaneous pain, or a toothache for several moments after exposure to cold, this may indicate irreversible pulpal disease in the tooth. Additional treatment, possibly involving root canal therapy, may be required to eliminate the problem.

In teeth with very large fillings or fillings in areas of high stress, fractures of the tooth and\or filling may occur. If this happens, it most likely indicates the need for a more substantial restoration, such as a crown (cap).

Gum Care

The gums in the area treated may be tender for a few days following your visit. Warm saltwater rinses (1/2 to 1 tsp. salt in 8 oz. glass warm water) can be swished vigorously every 10 to 20 minutes for the first 2 to 6 hours. *NOTE: Do NOT rinse vigorously if a tooth was also extracted at your visit. Follow the extraction post‐op instructions instead.


Discoloration of the restoration due to highly staining foods, such as dark sodas, coffee, tea, etc., or smoking, may occur with time. In some cases, the color can be enhanced by simply polishing the restorations in the dental office.

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